Is it very hard to stop smoking?
The Indonesian Ulema Council ( MUI ) issued ediets on smoking bans many days ago. It forbade smoking by children and pregnant women, and smoking in public spaces. Meanwhile smoking outside those conditions is still considered as "makruh" (blameworthy) for Moslems. As the result people give different reactions toward it, based on their own reasons, knowledge, and interests. A wise attitude should be carefully addressed on this issue. Do not let emotional tone rule our argument. It is time to fairly observe the fact in our environmentabout smoking habit. After that let's account the bad and possitive effect of smoking in a more global perspective. This may be the best alternative to take our position.
King of Smoker
Smoking has become a hot issue over a period of time. Controversy will always come amid the effort to eliminate this "mass culture". Smoking is acommon habit that we can easily find in our our society. People are smoking for different reasons. Some of them might say that smoking is a trend while others say that smoking is a way to be "a real gentleman". But actually do we really know the danger of smoking? I am sure that in fact people know that smoking is not a good habit even it is a deadly one. Although they know its bad effects, in fact it is not easy to stop smoking.There are some factors that increase the number of smokers. The first is the massive advertisments on media. They are very attractive as well as persuasive to let the young enter their imaginative world. Although the advertisments don't directly visualize smokes physically, their creative words invite the smokers : come on, you will be like this by smoking this cigarettes! Secondly, people assume that smoking becomes a symbol of gentle and friendship,They feel more comfortable with cigarette on their hand. It is also the main menu in any occasion when the young meet together. This common perception has lead the young generations to be more comfortable with their new habit.
The mocking Smoking
In fact, it is proven that smoking is dangerous for our health. According to many
literatures, a cigrette contains 4.000 chemical poisons. That is the reason why WHO predicts that smoking is going to be a deadly killer to vanish 10 million smokers from this earth in 2020, and morst of them come from develeping countries.
Discourage Smoking
A first step may be taken at a very early level. Students of kindergaten, for example should be educate how to love as well as preserve our environment. Some simple daily activities may be given as a real simulation how to apply this concept in action. This awareness, then, can be anhanced when enter elementary school. In this level some factors that endanger our environment will be introduced. It is hoped that they will be more selective in dedicing what they can and can't do. In this level, they will realize that some of our activities will also contribute to the destruction of our environment.
Religious Base
Combating smoking habit in a more formal level often invites chaotic condition among societies. For example, although the Jakarta administration has imposed a law that forbids smoking in public space, it seems that there is no a serious shocking impact to society. Just imagine, if all people around us smoke, where should we inhale the fresh air? Another way out to discourage smoking habit among society may be can be done through religious channe. Religious power is believed to be more powerful than administrative one since its consequence in the life here after.Although the effectiveness of this edict is still questioned, at least it can be the reference for Muslims who declared themselves as a faithful in deciding what to take deals with smoking matter. Admidst this debatable and controversial phenomenon, just ask our deepest heart about the advantagesof the absence of smoking in our surrounding. Finally let's wait and see when the smoke is going down.. ups..sorry when the smoke goes to hell.(Condro Nur Alim : RadarBms.)