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Saturday, January 17, 2009

But till now the usage of information technology and communication (internet) development in Indonesia still walk on place can not increase society social status, also decrease social status difference. Opened university actually be a very good idea, but till now still not yet be choice by SMUs' graduates students. 
Then why does new sprinkling person that make use internet? Not internet as information source very complete? Is manner correct to explain to them about internet? Definitive when do they that subscribe internet but less get benefit more slower growth the user of internet at this country. Our habits are to follows a success friend trace still thick. So that promotion from mouth to mouth still at taste very effective. (computer info, August 1997: 8)
Problem other us want skilled energy to creat web contentses that interesting and educating in easy Indonesian is understood. English still will be hindrance for many Indonesian that will accessing internet. Based on author observation during surfing at internet obvious web still dominated English-speaking web and majority full economy area, business, magazine,n and entertainment. Despitefully to push student and student university so that more progress again in hand computer is wanted teacher's energy and lecturer skilleder again. The other telecommunication tool factor. Difficult imagined internet can progress at this country without good telecommunication quality support and cheap.  
By caused by knowledges progress very fast, likely internet choice good enough as education media. information wealth now available at internet more has achieved hope. By using our internet can accessing infinite information sources that is blooming according to very fast. We can communicating according to each or massly that can done wherever in all the world only during some second. We can distribute (publish) information that can accessinged from particular in all the world in a short time once. We can communicating according to real time via" chatting" or free network" chat" Very fast that is mIRC. (www. pendidikan. net, Accesed 25 April 2008). ( to be continued …)


(by: Lukman Hakim) 

        Beginning in millenium and reformation era give hope to speed up education sector 
development in Indonesia. Main key trigger incidence new hope will walk up at 
decentralization, management based on school and School enableness with society to take "out 
put" school. School responsibility in enter this globalization era that is must prepare 
student to face all challenges that change very fast in our societies. Ability to be able to 
speak foreign language and computer acquisition is two criterias usually asked to enter 
       Besiding that is has tight dependability with globalization. Education not may be keep out 
globalization process that realize this global society. In aiming Indonesia globalization 
era must do reformation in course of education, with pressure creats education system 
comprehensiveer and flexible, So that graduates can functioned effectively in democratic 
global society life.
      For that education must designed in such a manner that make possible 
entrants educate can develop potential that has naturally and creative in full freedom  
atmosphere, togetherness and responsibility. (Dr. Zamroni, 2000: 90).  
With information technology progress existence and Communication (fast TIK's causes
alternative communication on lino is highly varied. Distance and difference time not again 
be obstacle to explain or getting message bewest even if, even direct from message source. 
And so do the fast data/information result, picture, Voice and the other.  
What been done neighbouring state information technology use success example and 
communication (TIK's that give positive impact for country that success make use it for 
continual social status enhanced. Malaysian for example, Begin invested to built" Super 
Internet coridor" invitingly foreign investor and preparing infrastructure good to TIK's use 
at educational, Business, Government and Others. Meanwhile Singapore very ready with 
infrastructure that supports and the government very incessant use internet to can give 
service enhanced to the member,initiative this known as" E-Government" . Existing 
infrastructure invites businessman private to develop effort based on internet. Even schools 
begin giving a chance for student from country other to follow curriculum on the market 
according to long distance or knowing with" E-Learning" or " E-Eduction" . (computer info, 
March 2001: 110) be continued...

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